Artwork of the month

14-06-24 IMPORTANT! This site is 100% not mobile friendly!! best viewed in PC with google :D

Welcome to KINERXY's WEBSITE!! :D

Home of monsters, critters and more awful stuff

Hey i'm Kin, i'm an artist and bunch of other things, in this website you'll find drawings with blood/gore and possibly nudity, take a look! (wip)

Right now this site is barebones but i wanted to post it so bad LMAO, heres a small to do list that includes the stuff i'm planning to add.

update log

13-06-24 Finished my about me page!

29-05-24Finished the Index, added the about me page

22-05-24 changed a few things and added more stuff, index almost done

21-05-24Remade this site for the 213123th time

Buy Me a Coffee at