Modern Werewolf

Other names:Novus Lykanthropos, Were-man, Lycaon

Category: Lycaon, Sapient

Novus Lykanthropos

Novus Lykanthropos male and female anatomy

Modern werewolves (Novus Lykanthropos) are descendants from infected of Feralytosis, There have been different hypotheses about how did they gain sapience again, the most accepted theory being that due to the constant mutational state of feralytosis, the brain of the ancestors of modern werewolves "evolved" towards a less aggressive state. Eventually developing sapience and consciousness again with noticeable improvement.

They're known intellectuals, with a rich philosophical culture, the most congegrated groups live in separate communities from other creatures to avoid confrontation due to the discrimination and ignorance towards them.

There are also separated nomadic communities that travel from city to city trading goods, and a more well-known minority that is the warrior class, generally found as bounty hunters or ilegal fighters.


Their anatomy is highly similar to a true lykanthropos reaching up to 2.80 meters of height, they're digitigrade and bipedal still maintaining the capacity of running in all fours like their wild counterpart. Both females and males are naturally very muscular in contrast of the true lykanthropos whose is noticeable weaker and skinnier.

Map of a cave system used by modern werewolves

Unlike the dark gray fur of a true lykanthropo, modern werewolves have a variety of pelt colors influenced by their enviroment, they're omnivore and are known to farm and breed their own livestock and plant their crops.

Modern werewolves have a natural high musculature mass making them exceptionally strong, both feet and hands have long unretractile claws that are commonly left to dull, the warrior class do sharpen their claws as they're a great fighting tool.

Not all of the modern werewolves come from the same ancestor, there is a variety of subspecies that shares DNA with many hominids, commonly elves and dwarves.

Human werewolves are considered extinct.

A community meeting that is also showing the interior of a cave commune

Social behaviour and society

Modern werewolves are highly sociable and create decently sized communities, they are great intellectuals and curious creatures, they also store and share their knowledge from a generation to another.

Most modern werewolves have firm anti-conflict beliefs and are isolated from other non Lycaon communities, They're independent, creating and collecting their own resources.

They established communities inside deep forests, canyons and underground caves to avoid detection.

Involvement with Feralytosis

Modern werewolves have infectious glands besides the main canines and they can spread the infection, they are very agaisnt the propagation of this disease and avoid biting, this is easier to acomplish since they're isolated, in organized fights gladiator werewolves must wear a muzzle to avoid using bites in the heat of a fight.

Even if modern werewolves are pysically stronger than a true lykanthropos, modern werewolves avoid encounters with those infected with feralytosis, as they are known to be very offensive during fights and since they have no sense of survival they tend to fight to death which puts a clear disavantage to most modern werewolves.

It is know of a popular but ilegal event that takes place in the low districts whose involves modern werewolves and true lycanthropes fighting to death.